SUBSCRIPTION Learn about our subscription modules and request a quote

Slide 3 axes Therefore, we have created these subscription modules value-added services and internal dissemination for Our methodology is structured around ANTICIPATE CHANGE ADAPT TO YOUR NEEDS ASSIST YOUR TEAM strategic intelligence and the necessary training to a diagnosis for us to

Anticipacion In company ANTICIPATION MODULE - Strategic analysis of the future.
- Benchmarking of the future.
- Strategic innovation
On- boarding Monitor use cases: Access
Corporate Plan Full access: Excecutives
training Fundamentals of intelligence, innovation and strategy. 5 Soluciones Challenges Innovation Speed of Change Model Explorer Prime Movers Trends Discover AI Tools
Diagnostico DIAGNOSTIC MODULE - Observation ability
- Innovation scope
- Acceleration model
- Matrix of future strategic priorities
Intelligence Audit Evaluation of the strategic early warning system - Identification of key intelligence topics (KITs)
- Identification of internal users
- Ad-hoc observation
Acompañamiento SUPPORT MODULE - Identification of innovation challenges
- Generation of creative concepts
Strategic intelligence for the Management Committee Innovation and creativity sessions Strateg_AI: SPARK Strategic Thinking Sessions - Trend Tracking
- Relevant facts
- Momentum
- Business Model Impact
- New opportunities
Benchmarking of the future Value added services - Key future issues (disruption and prime movers)
- Learning and application
- Ideation of new strategic projects.
Strateg_AI: STRIVE
Difusión DIFFUSION MODULE - Intelligence Newsletter
- Ad-hoc Strategy
Internal diffusion Intelligence as a service

Slide Fill out this form and request a quote A customized solution according to your needs
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